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Eneide Boneu

  HELIX - Esmalte, acrílico y lacre sobre lienzo de ENEIDE BONEU

HELIX - Esmalte, acrílico y lacre sobre lienzo de ENEIDE BONEU


Esmalte, acrílico y lacre sobre lienzo de ENEIDE BONEU





Eneide Boneu’s work delves into the female mystery. “Within Eneide Boneu’s paintings loll the contour of a spontaneous human figure. The expression and the movement are locked, but the color has its own life. It is free to drip and run,” writes Dorothee Willert, director of the Ulm Art Museum in Ulm, Germany.

Latin America art critic Juan Manuel Prieto says: “Eneide, far from aligning herself with a certain visual school, seeks her own individualism and creates her own unique textures and chromatic combinations. Her nudes reverse their lifeless thematic condition into an aesthetic argument, deprived of all limitations.” Artist and art professor Olga Blinder calls Boneu a “rebel who seeks to express her nonconformity through the conventional painting.”

Boneu was born in Cordoba, Argentina in 1954. She began painting and studying art while living in Lima, Peru. Boneu moved to Paraguay in 1973, and she currently lives and paints in Asuncion, Paraguay. She travels extensively, and has painted and studied art in Europe, the United States and South America.


Técnica Mixta, 2004



Técnica Mixta, 2005



Técnica Mixta, 2005



Danzando con fuego

Laca acrílica y arena sobre madera

Artist Statement:

"For years, I’ve consistantly painted women without clothes, exposing their true self and at the same time obscuring their true identities. In my canvases, I have always attempted to show every woman’s desired freedom and denied freedom, whether she is oppressed by obligation, by pleasure, by tradition, by habit.... All women hide behind masks or veils, today and in the past, in non-existent landscapes and unknown places, where they rehearse a liberation and find themselves trapped by the pilars of support. I mix bright colors and neutrals, light and dark in unending lines and textures, absent of glances and hidden passions."



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HELIX - Esmalte, acrílico y lacre sobre lienzo de ENEIDE BONEU

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